Reflection on essay writing
Topics For International Studies Paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Accounting Theory British Petroleum
According to Tagesson (2014), the vast majority of the company exercises influence the biodiversity or nature either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. Hence, this report has been set up so as to consider and comprehend the immediate just as the circuitous effects of an eminent company named British Petroleum Limited on the environment. Hence, here, a contextual analysis on British Petroleum Limited has been examined and broke down in detail so as to discover the issues related with the firm. It has been discovered that the specific organization essentially has three issues. From the start, result of oil slick on sea biological system, also, absence of environment administrations for overseeing dangers and thirdly, absence of guideline sketch for seeing the restoration cost.  â Contingent upon the gave instance of British Petroleum, it has been seen that the predetermined organization isn't competent to gauge its reestablishment cost. Accordingly, the organization breaks down this expense concerning money related terms. Likewise, it has been distinguished that British Petroleum doesn't give a lot of hugeness to the damage it causes to the earth. In addition, the organization considers this items that can't be advertised. Along these lines, British Petroleum should concentrate on the equivalent and measure the worth. It has been discovered that the legislature of the country considers the firm at risk to pay fine as it makes hurt the biological system through causing oil slicks, however the organization doesn't depict the all out harms done by it plainly (Ball 2016). Subsequently, the central goal of setting up this report is to caution the firm British Petroleum in regards to the riches done by it to the earth.  The report fundamentally manages the assortment of information from both auxiliary and essential assets, so both essential and optional just as subjective and quantitative investigation will be performed. Telephonic or eye to eye meet (subjective investigation) and poll overview (quantitative examination) will be performed here. The auxiliary assets incorporate †sites, articles and logical diaries. So as to gather exact and valid data, scientist will assemble information from the occupants of Gulf Coast where oil slicks happened and representatives of the organization through review. In any case, both the staffs and the occupants of the district may flounder to answer the specialist to the review inquiries because of the idea of the exploration (Guthrie and Parker 2014). Oil slicks are a sort of contamination and along these lines all the organizations of the oil part ought to stay alert about this. Nonetheless, British Petroleum doesn't depict the harms it done to nature through oil slicks. Also, the firm is found to cause more coincidental oil slicks than inadvertent oil slicks. The later example of spill happens incidentally and hence it is named in this way, yet the previous kind happens because of the heedlessness, carelessness and numbness of the representatives and the executives of British Petroleum. Both the sorts of oil slicks influence the sea biological system (condition) straightforwardly and this has leaded to increment in death rate in marine environment. Subsequently, the organization should pay the cleanup sum and fine charged by the legislature, however BP Limited plans to cover all the harms done by it to the biological riches (Dull, Schleifer and McMillan 2015). It has been discovered that biological harm estimation just as locati on is exceptionally troublesome, so the partnership estimates it as for money related worth.  â â â â The partners of British Petroleum completely trust on the company with respect to its ethical principles and moral norms, so it should put ventures forward for advancement of the natural and social riches (Henderson et al. 2015). Besides, British Petroleum ought to adhere to all the bookkeeping guidelines of the earth for making it a dependable association for the partners. These gauges will help the company to enlarge a solid connection between the association, condition and biological system.  â It is a typical factor that the vast majority of the associations of oil and oil industry break their punishment or fines by the utilization of political haggling. In any case, the utilization of the political dealing approach doesn't assist the firm with recovering all the harms done by it to the biological system. Accordingly, the association British Petroleum ought to infer any procedure balanced structure so as to determine all the dangers related with its tasks. In addition, it tends to be said that this specific procedure is considered as the necessary one for each firm of the specific segment. It has been discovered that the â€Å"accidental oil spills†by and large emerge due to crash of absolutist activity as this outcomes into included records (Molisa 2014). The uncovered information of a firm is significant for the administration office as it helps in assessing the undertaking point for restoration cost. In this manner, absence of guideline sketch may influence the enterprise adversely, particularly during the time spent distinguishing reestablishment cost, so the referenced methodology is significant for each association of the oil and oil division. In this exploration work, the scientist will actualize essential examination process just as auxiliary examination strategy. In this way, from both the essential and auxiliary assets, the scientist will accumulate information for better examination. In this manner, the specialist will focus on the individuals who live in Gulf Coast and the laborers of BP Limited for performing poll overview. Moreover, auxiliary information will be assembled from the optional sources (like †sites, diaries and articles).  The analyst will gather data from a fixed example size of 50 workers and 150 occupants of Gulf Coast and this example will be chosen arbitrarily. The determination of the examples should be possible through different methods, nonetheless, in this work, â€Å"Probability Sampling Technique†will be utilized. There are different sorts of oil slicks that for the most part happen because of the action of the association British Petroleum and the rates of happening different sorts are demonstrated as follows: Figure 1: Various examples of Oil Spills and Their Occurrence Percentage Likewise, it has been discovered that because of expanded level of event of oil slicks, the death pace of the marine biological system has additionally been expanded observably. It has been discovered that the oil slicks significantly influence the sea biological system as different sorts of spills occur on a short timespan. These are: According to the information gathered from Gulf, it has been came to realize that the oil slicks mostly influence the sea biological system, deepwater yet it likewise influence different pieces of the earth. With the progression of time, the interest just as the gracefully of the oil expanded, yet the workforce, quantities of staffs and temporary workers began to diminish as the event of oil slicks of the firm began to increment. Additionally, the data in regards to the financial plan of Deepwater Horizon has been gathered from the organization’s representatives and it very well may be upgraded through the accompanying diagram: Figure 4: Financial Plan of Deepwater Horizon Then again, the reestablishment cost can be better clarified through the accompanying pie diagram: Figure 5: Lack of Regulation Sketch Here, authentic data has been gathered from both the sorts of assets (auxiliary and essential) and the members of examination overview can keep trust on the specialist of the task as the assembled information won't be divulged. It tends to be presumed that British Petroleum should keep notice on the harms done by it the earth and should execute the bookkeeping gauges of condition. Besides, fines paid by the firm to the legislature are insufficient for improving the mischief cause to the nature. Dough puncher, C.R. what's more, Burlaud, A., 2015. The chronicled development from bookkeeping hypothesis to applied system in monetary measures setting. The CPA Journal,â 85(8), p.54. Ball, R., 2016. Why We Do International Accounting Research. Journal of International Accounting Research,â 15(2), pp.1-6. 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2017]. Deegan, C., 2013. Financial bookkeeping hypothesis. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Dull, R.B., Schleifer, L.L. also, McMillan, J.J., 2015. Accomplishment objective hypothesis: the relationship of bookkeeping students’ objective directions with self-viability, nervousness, and achievement. Accounting Education,â 24(2), pp.152-174. Freeman, R.J., Shoulders, C.D., Allison, G.S., Smith Jr, G.R. also, Becker, C.J., 2014. Legislative and not-for-profit bookkeeping: Theory and practice. JPAEJOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS EDUCATION VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3, p.441. Guthrie, J. also, D. Parker, L., 2014. The worldwide bookkeeping scholarly: what counts!. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal,â 27(1), pp.2-14. Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K. what's more, Howieson, B., 2015. Issues in money related bookkeeping. Pearson Higher Education AU. Molisa, P.B.M., 2014. Representing end times: Re-thinking social bookkeeping hypothesis and practice for our season of social emergencies and environmental breakdown. Tagesson, T., 2014. Bookkeeping changes, standard setting and compliance. Public part bookkeeping, pp.8-22.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Visitor centre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Guest focus - Essay Example Taking into account that the territory is a lake, the heaps are planned to such an extent that the heaps from the footings are transmitted to the fundamental layers with enough bearing ability to help the heap without settlement. Notice that all segments are inside the divider border, both interior and outside dividers. Since every single outside divider will be of coating, it would be stylishly suitable to have the coating possess the full width of a range at that point being part into two with a focal segment. As referenced beforehand, the footings will pass on the heaps to the heaps which thusly are upheld by unbending layers. Horizontal burdens (wind, ground development) are countered by pillars associated with the segments. The main pillars slanted from the even are the rooftop bars which bolster the grass rooftop. The structure in this plan is genuinely steady as long as the bars are of the satisfactory size and the bar to-section associations are adequately tied down to one another. The main issue would be the strength of the establishment, hence a complete geotechnical study must be done to decide the most reasonable kind of establishment. Plan 2 is suggested for the proposed structure. The expansion of moderate shafts to help the chunk would mean the decrease in the size of the individuals. Albeit more sections can be presented in the structure, it may not be prudent for the explanation that more establishment must be made to help it. Nonetheless, more sections would bring about less loads conveyed by each balance, there is the risk of differential settlement to manage. Eventually, a broad geotechnical study must be directed to decide the best establishment for this situation. At the point when the sort of establishment is resolved, the basic encircling would then be able to be intended to suit the kind of establishment whether be it heap or tangle establishment which nearly is the situation for little bearing limits regular of delicate soils. The structure will have greater braces (section to-segment) shafts and littler middle of the road bars. References: McCarthy D., (2006) Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics. Salmon C., Johnson, J., Malhas, F. (2008) Steel Structures: Design and Behavior. USA: Prentice
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
On sleep
On sleep Even though I am rarely directly asked this question, I know its often in the back of peoples minds when theyre thinking about MIT: do you crazy kids ever get any sleep? Of course we do. I mean, for one thing, youre talking to someone who loves sleep. Sleep and food are two of my very favorite things in life, which is somewhat sensible if you think about it. Plus, theres good evidence that sleep inspires creative thinking, and if theres one thing were good at here, its creative thinking, darn it. Being a biology major and dataphile and Excel-lover, I have kept detailed track of my sleep patterns for almost three years now. I wish I had a better justification than this, but in 9.00 (intro to psychology) Professor Wolfe mentioned this guy who had kept his sleep records for thirty years, and how helpful it had been to science, and then I was like hey, that sounds like a good idea and my sleep statistics Excel spreadsheet was born. I dont really know what compels me to keep it up, other than sheer love of data. Anyway. My sleep statistics clearly show that it is possible to get an adequate amount of sleep at MIT, as long as youve figured out what you need to do in order to get that amount of sleep. (Freshmen are notoriously bad about this. As a freshman, I frequently started problem sets at midnight the night before they were due, then wondered why I couldnt stay awake through class. Hello?) Side note: Some people, like Dave (who commented on my last entry) work best under pressure, and end up pulling lots of all-nighters because thats when they do their best work. Youre welcome to do that too. Lots of people at MIT are night owls, although I think thats largely due to being 18-22 years old its usually possible to find people up and around campus at any hour of the day except approximately 6-8 AM. The upside at MIT is that, due to Institute regulations, the earliest hour-long classes begin at 9 AM. (Most of my friends at other schools have 8 AM or even 7:30 classes. When they complain, I like to give them a blank look, as though the concept is entirely foreign to me.) The calendar is another friend to sleep; as Ive mentioned before, theres usually at least one student holiday per month (this Friday, for instance). Many people use these days as religious holidays dedicated to serving the God of Sleep. Moreover, the entire month of January is Independent Activities Period, a time to take an interesting class, learn a skill, or sleep a whole bunch. Getting plenty of sleep is perfectly possible at MIT. Sometimes you just have to do a little planning to make it all work out!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Sexual Images And Its Effects On Society - 1477 Words
Whether it was for procreation, as with early humans who knew that a large group meant more protection and a better chance at survival, or for pleasure, as many current societies interpret and present it sex has driven decisions and cultures throughout history. However, with modern technologies and interpretations sex, in particular the way it is portrayed in advertisements and entertainment, has begun to alter the way that society views individuals, particularly women. With the creation of the internet, a person’s access to sex in the form of pornography has sky rocketed. In addition, many companies have begun to increase the number of advertisements produced that contain sexual images or themesâ€â€subscribing to the notion that â€Å"sex sells.†Massive amounts of sexualized images, particularly of women, are available for free consumption. Overall, the increased prevalence of pornographic images, particularly violent images, both through advertising and entertai nment media, has led to questions about how society perceives women and gender in a modern setting. The age at which individuals are exposed to sexualized images has drastically decreased over the past hundred years. A hundred years ago the mere concept of pornography was highly immoral, and what is now viewed as an acceptable amount of nudity and promiscuity would have caused uproar. Take, for example, television advertisements during the Super Bowl. While considered family programming appropriate for all ages,Show MoreRelatedSexual Images And Its Effects On Society1472 Words  | 6 Pageshumans who knew that a large group meant more protection and a better chance at survival, or for pleasure, as many current societies interpret and present it sex has driven decisions and cultures throughout history. However, modern technologies and interpretations of sex, in particular the way it is portrayed in advertisements and entertainment, have begun to alter the way that society views in dividualsâ€â€particularly women. With the creation of the internet, a person’s access to sex in the form of pornographyRead MoreThe Negative Impact of Pornography on Society Essay924 Words  | 4 Pages Pornography is tearing apart the very fabric of our society. Yet Christians are often ignorant of its impact and apathetic about the need to control this menace. Pornography is an $8 billion a year business with close ties to organized crime.The wages of sin are enormous when pornography is involved. Purveyors of pornography reap enormous profits through sales in so-called adult bookstores and viewing of films and live acts at theaters. Pornography involves books, magazines,Read MoreSociological View of Women and Body Image850 Words  | 4 PagesThe Sociological View of Women and Body Image You have just bought a new pair of jeans. You think that you look absolutely great in them until you turn on the television or compare yourself to the person on side of you. Today, women all over the world are focused on the way society views them, which has an influence on the way they view themselves. The field known as sociology of the body investigates the ways in which our bodies are affected by our social experiences, as well as by the norms andRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Women s Self Esteem1327 Words  | 6 Pages In this paper, I will argue that the media portrays one image of beauty and this has a damaging effect on women’s mental health, resulting in low self esteem and further deepening gender inequality within our society. 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A person s self-image can depend on many factors, to include internal/external and perceived/actual. Their answer when asked What do you believe people think about you? can provide a very succinct view of their self-image and possibly how it is formed. The concept of self is derived from many traits usually perceived as demographic information (gender, height, weight, race, etc.) but alsoRead MoreThe Psychological effect of Body Image on Adolescence882 Words  | 4 Pagesbody image. Body image is an issue that has always been of important consideration for teenagers. How a person looks can determine who they associate with, how they are perceived and represent their way of self-expression. Most of the times in this life stage how an individual view themselves can affect them in certain ways, such as their psyche. The effects of body image for adolescents can cause certain psychological impairments such as dysmorphophobia, eating disorders, and early sexual practicesRead MoreSex in Advertising1358 Words  | 6 PagesAdvertising I chose sex in advertising for my research topic because I do not know about it well, even though a lot of sexual images and texts in advertisements. When I was a little kid, I often surprised by ads with sexy woman. Even now, I sometimes have my eyes glued to such kinds of advertising. I wonder that there are some physiological reasons why people pay attention to sex images. Also, learning about sex in advertising is useful for my career because I want to work for an advertising companyRead MoreThe Effects of Pornography1558 Words  | 7 PagesInstructor: Peter Shea Class: Composition II ENC 1102 December 7, 2012 The Negative Effects of Pornography on Society The opinion of most people today is that pornography is harmless and that there are no real harmful effects that result from it. The truth is, we all can be affected by pornography, and the sexual messages our society is exposed to. Pornography and the messages it conveys have a direct effect in shaping attitudes and encouraging behavior that can harm, not only individuals whoRead MoreEssay on Pornography1735 Words  | 7 PagesPornography Pornography is ripping apart our society. Although Christians are sometimes discus tied with the impact and apathetic about the need to control this menace. Pornography is a year business with close ties to organized crime. Pornography involves books, magazines, videos, and devices and has moved from the society into the mainstream through the renting of video cassettes, sales Of so-called soft-porn magazines, and the airing of sexually explicit movies on Cable television.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Good Topic for Presentation Features
Good Topic for Presentation Features How to Get Started with Good Topic for Presentation? Attempting to compose a research paper on a topic that doesn't have a lot of research on it's incredibly hard, so before you choose a topic, do a little bit of preliminary searching and be sure you will have all the info you should compose your paper. Examine the topics you circled. Not all research paper topics are made equal, and you would like to make certain you pick a fantastic topic before you commence writing. Deciding upon the ideal topic for a presentation, researching and writing about it's a task that lots of students find quite hard to do. The Foolproof Good Topic for Presentation Strategy You have to grab your audience's attention and wait. If you're excited about this issue, then your enthusiasm is guaranteed to come across in your presentation. If you're confident about your subject, you might relish your moments in the limelight. If you're presenting on topics which ar e potentially useful to your audience, that's an excellent start too. What You Should Do About Good Topic for Presentation Beginning in the Next Ten Minutes For entrepreneurs and company leaders, the capability to deliver an awe-inspiring presentation is a competitive benefit. Developing excellent demonstration skills in 2019 begins at a young age. Topics with which you're well acquainted with are inclined to be presented with more confidence. For instance, let's say you're giving a presentation to a prospective client on the value of content marketing and how you consultation services can develop the ideal on-line content promoting program. Characteristics of Good Topic for Presentation A wide array of topic choices can pose to be a true challenge and might call for many of time for the selection procedure. There's no need to inform you hobbies can be particularly varied and exciting. Detecting a topic for your study can be tough, but there are a lot of great tactics to thi nk of intriguing ideas. Luckily, there are lots of great places to seek out inspiration and the next list contains only a few suggestions to help get you started. Based on the scenario, you may rather not speak about topics related to do the job. Choosing your presentation topics is the most essential role in presentation making process and thus don't be lazy to brainstorm all the potential variants and choose the best one! When it regards a highly effective presentation which can help you stand out and bring you an A, selecting an intriguing topic may be a key to success. Picking the right topic is the toughest task about building a presentation. Before you commence writing a single word of your paper, you first will need to understand what your thesis will be. A great deal of the research indicates you could boost message retention dramatically in the event you use pictures as opposed to bullet points. An additional way you're able to introduce your presentation is using a map of the region. There quite a few ways you may keep presentation entertaining and persuasive. If you're finding it tricky to opt for the perfect subject, you may give the writer a list of your finest ones and leave it to them to select. Let's break down the practice of discovering the ideal speech topic when you're given the present of deciding upon any topic you'd like. There are health benefits connected with removing gluten from your daily diet, if done in a healthful way. If for educational purposes you select a provocative topic, make sure it opens a discussion and doesn't pass a verdict against a particular community. An appropriate topic is likely to make all difference in presentation. You may probably find many travel photos on the internet but please do ensure you have the permission of the copyright owners. For example, if you're having a presentation for children, choosing Comic Sans may be an excellent idea. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Good Topic for Presentation Hopefully you're a very good presenter. The audience has to be convinced by means of an argument or application. As you prepare the presentation, you always have to bear in mind precisely what the audience wants and would like to know, not what it's possible to tell them. Your presentation should be constructed around what your audience is going to become fro m the presentation. Choosing Good Topic for Presentation Is Simple You can also attempt exploring curious and controversial facets of a subject. Your topic needs to be relevant to the academic path of material you're studying. As there are many diverse subjects, it may be somewhat tough for you to come across suitable topics for presentation assignments. You've been requested to provide a presentation. The most fascinating region of the presentation was over. If you're still uncertain about your presentation, keep reading to obtain a broad range of engaging presentation topics. You should remember to make your PowerPoint presentation effective and memorable.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Local or National Issue Free Essays
In this essay, an attempt will be made to assess the important issue: ‘America’s dependence on foreign oil’. In the context of steeply rising oil prices, it is important that the American government devises strategy to reduce its dependence on foreign oil. The USA is one of most developed countries in the world and it has been using large amount of oil resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Local or National Issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now There has been increase in the demand for oil from the American citizens. Oil is essential for the economic progress of any nation in the modern world. However, America is not self-sufficient in the oil production. This would mean that it needs to import huge quantity of oil from the foreign countries particularly the Islamic countries in the Middle East. At the same time the American president has declared a ‘war on terror’ particularly on the Islamic terrorists. The Islamic terrorists have not taken this declaration lightly and this is proved by their continued attack on the American embassies and people all over the world. The Islamic countries possess huge reserves of oil. The lack of huge oil reserve is the main limitation of the American economy. This limitation has been utilized by the anti American terrorist groups. The American government has been importing huge amount of oil from the foreign countries and in the process it has been paying huge amount of dollars to the Islamic countries. One can suggest that this dependence of America on foreign oil has encouraged the Islamic terrorist activities as they obtain the American dollars directly or indirectly through the sale of oil to America. This would imply that the American government has been paying to the terrorist groups to indulge in anti-American activities. For example, it is well known that Osama bin Laden obtained financial support from contributions from the Islamic nations. This has limited the ability of the American government to fight against terrorism. The American dependence on foreign oil also has affected the American economy particularly due to the great increase in the price of oil. The oil producing nations enjoy monopoly over the oil production and sale. They can control the oil price and its supply. This has reduced the autonomy of America in world politics. The American government needs to avoid the repetition of the terrorist attacks on the American nation. For this, Americans need to enjoy energy self-sufficiency. (Gal, 2004) The government and the people can contribute to the oil self-sufficiency by reducing oil consumption. The government needs to encourage the scientists to develop alternative energy resources. For example, recently the scientists have found that oil can be replaced by energy resources such as electricity, ethanol, bio-diesel, hydrogen fuel and such other alternative fuels. Already, a few cars which can use alternative fuels have been produced by the American car manufacturers. The government needs to encourage the consumers to use such alternative fuels in their cars in order to improve the financial strength of the country. This would also reduce the financial strength of the Islamic terrorist organizations as they mostly depend on the American dollars in the form of oil exports to America. The government should introduce legislations to provide incentive to alternative fuel producers and consumers so that in all the provinces of the USA people would become aware of the need to save precious American dollar in order to fight the war against terror. By introducing such alternative fuels in the cars, it is possible to save huge amount of dollars which otherwise would have been spent for the purpose of purchasing oil from the foreign countries. Alternative fuel production plants also would lead to improved economic condition of America. This shows that the American government needs to establish oil independence. Bibliography Luft, Gal. (October 2004). Ending America’s Dependence on Middle East Oil. The Middle East Forum Protecting American Interests. Retrieved 31 March 2006 from  How to cite Local or National Issue, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Odyssey Essays - Greek Mythology, Odyssey,
The Odyssey The Odyssey The great muses are called upon by Homer to tell the great adventure of Odysseus in his travel back to his home. Prayers are given to the Greek Gods and muses by Homer in order to proceed this story. The Greeks life revolved around the gods in a matter of fashion as we presently revolve around Christianity. The depiction of the roles the gods played in the Odyssey is both presented in good and evil. The Greeks portrayed their gods as powerful and merciful. However in the Odyssey the gods play a role in a savior like Jesus Christ and the tormentor like Satan. With the present role in the story of Odyssey the gods can be seen as a key role in Odysseus life. Odysseus alone cannot have escaped the treacherous Trojan War without the aid of the gods. However can it be reconcile that the gods were truly the ones who controlled our lives? In Odysseus's case the gods played a vital role. Throughout the entire story Athena was the crutch Odysseus and his family leaned on in the time of aid. Through the treacherous paths Odysseus traveled it was hope of seeing Penelope and his son Telemachus that brought him strength and wisdom. With the loves one left behind Odysseus fearlessly face the gods and tramples over their challenges. Without the help of Athena and her wisdom and devotion to Odysseus his challenges would be help with no boundaries. With Athena on Odysseus side, he was able to return home without any harms done to him or his family. With the gods in favor of Odysseus return all he had to fight was the challenges Poseidon threw at him. With the water being the only road back to his home this challenge was fare more difficult then the Tro jan War itself. With the guidance of Athena Odysseus was safely returned to Ithica. Even though Athena played a key role in Odysseus life she was still unable to protect him from the challenges he faced with Poseidon, Calypso, and Helios. The gods can be seen as Odysseus's sub-conscience. Athena being Odysseus's wisdom, Helios the jealousy hidden in our curiosity, Calypso the temptation we face, and Poseidon the challenges in life we face everyday. These main Gods played a key role in Odysseus's life. Poseidon tormented blinded Polyphemus. Poseidon would have never tormented Odysseus if only he kept his boastful self-quiet. A lesson in life learned by Odysseus to keep him self- humble at all times. Odysseus faced other challenges that slowed his journey towards home seem longer. Calypso who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years offered him the impossible. Odysseus with his wife in mind declined the gift for a passage towards home. With temptation and challenges that blockaded Odysseus journey home. However Odysseus and his deceased crew could of made it home safely if it wasn't for the curiosity and jealousy of the crew to open the bag of wind and their evil temptation to kill and eat Helios cows. The gods playing minor roles it was human nature that brought the crewmembers to their doom and slowed Odysseus down from returning home. Homer portrayed human nature with the gods and goddesses. We are our own enemy. We are the ones who lay the path in our life and destination. However there are bumps in the word that slow us down and break us down. With hope we resist temptation and fight evil off. The gods in the Odyssey portrayed the good and evil in human nature. Odysseus being the hero of the Odyssey resisted and learned valuable lessons in life on his adventure back home.
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